Take a look at what I have been working on

What's In Your Kitchen homepage

What's In Your Kitchen?

What's in Your Kitchen?- A website where a user can find a recipe and mark it as a favorite by searching for an ingredient, cuisine or what they are in the mood for. Used React, HTML, CSS, MaterialUI, APIs, LocalStorage

Travel Website homepage

Travel Website

An interactive website on one of my favorite destinations- Italy. The user can click on any links to provide them with more information on any of the topics. This is a responsive website so the user can visit on any device. Used HTML, CSS

AI Recipe Generator homepage

AI Recipe Generator

A website where a user can type an ingredient and AI will return a random recipe using the ingredient. Used Javascript, HTML, CSS, APIs, Bootstrap

Weather App homepage

Weather App

A website where you search for weather in a specified location. Used React, HTML, CSS, Javascript, APIs, Bootstrap